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Hello guys, welcome to Mmooffers! There are some information about Common Scams inLineage2, hope you like it. Here we go:

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikel: The Guide for Raid Tanking in Lineage2 - 27/01/2010 08:29



Welcome to Mmooffers Today we will introduce the guide for raid tanking in Lineage2 that from other site. Hope you like it.

The first menu that appears is your status obviously, your skill points, level(Lineage2 Gold), damage, defense, etc is all displayed here. You will be checking your skill points often to see how many you have. Now, at the top of the menu you should have "tabs" to select. Select the actions tab first. We will be equipping simple actions that every race, character gets. In this menu there should be a lot of little squares, each time you click on one of these it does the appropriate action.

We only want two for now in this menu. Hold down on the pickup action, and try dragging it until it reaches the black slot on the right that says "1" on it. There, now whenever we press f1, our character(Lineage2 Adena) will try and pickup anything nearby. Now, drag sit/stand to the f10 key. Well, our young padawan, we believe it is time to teach you how to put magic on the f1-10 keys. At the top of the status window, there should be a third one that says magic. There should be all your available magic in there, at the moment it is only 2 skills we can use.

Do not worry, mages get an incredibly strong skill for their level at first. The magic skills we have are called self heal and wind strike. Drag self heal to the slot numbered 5 so that whenever we want to heal we can press f5. Drag the wind strike button over to "2" slot so that f2 makes us fire a bolt of wind at the enemy. If at any time you feel confused by these steps, you can always check back and read this again.

Thanks for you reading! We provide the Lineage2 powerleveling for you with a low price, just place an order right row!


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikel: Lineage2: Elemental Attribute Defence Test - 10/08/2009 09:37

Hello guys, welcome to Mmooffers! There are some information about Elemental Attribute Defence Test in Lineage2, hope you like it.Here we go:

 - Naiads magical attack has a bonus of 20 Water Points (physical hit break points are 20 Element Points left of the magical ones used for the plot).

 - The precise break points are unknown. The last one is not on at 350, but between 350 and 357.

 - This test used about 1.500 damage values resulting in rather precise Min and Max damage for each defence value while the Average jumped around up to 3 points, or 10%.

 - The magical damage variance array: magical damage is element of for a = constant damage calculated by the old formula.

 - All elemental defence values sharing the same damage in the graph have the exact same Minimum, Average and Maximum values.

This article that came from other site, besides, we have enough Lineage2 Gold and secure Lineage2 powerleveling service at lowest price.



bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikel: Lineage2 Making Quick Adena Guides - 10/08/2009 09:37

Hello guys, welcome to Mmooffers! There are some guides about making quick adena in Lineage2, hope you like it. Here we go:

1 - Needed, little bit of adena.

2 - Go to a magic shop that works buy the most expensive stackable item they sell there, buy 100 million of the item at a time, you will see it costs a lot. 

3 - Add 100 million again, by now the number should be negative.

4 - Keep adding and removing items till it costs what you can afford, press ok, sell items to the shop, voila, lotsa adena.

This article that came from other site, besides, we have enough Lineage2 Gold and secure Lineage2 powerleveling service at lowest price.



bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikel: Lineage2 Warsmith Introduce - 10/08/2009 09:37

Hello guys, welcome to Mmooffers! There are some information about Warsmith in Lineage2, hope you like it. Here we go:

Warsmith is able to make the most unique and rare weapons in the land that an expert crafter. They are endowed by many and their services are sought everywhere. They can also summon giant Mechanical Golems to knock down castle walls for sieging. If ever in battle he has a Whirlwind ability and can use spears and blunt weapons. He also has high HP which gives him strong survivability. Warsmiths have the skills to purchase items from vendors at a cheaper price than normal, and they can carry more than any other class.

Warsmith position requires a lot of patience and skill. It is not one achieved easily and must be done through hard work. It may be easy to be a Dwarven Fighter and then an Artisan, but the Warsmith is on a level(Lineage2 powerleveling) of its own.

This article that came from other site, besides, we have enough Lineage2 Gold at lowest price. Hope you coming again!
