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Hello guys, welcome to Mmooffers! There are some information about Common Scams inLineage2, hope you like it. Here we go:

** బ్లాగు పంచుకునేందుకు **

సాధారణ సమాచారం


సృష్టి: 10/08/2009 09:36
నవీకరించు: 31/07/2010 05:11
వ్యాసాలు 12
వారం యొక్క సందర్శనల 7063
మొత్తం సందర్శనల 1011

lineage2 :: lineage2

ఇతర బ్లాగులు: adsadsd | fdgd | ...

United States - tgbvf
స్థానం: 142/56779 సభ్యులు

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif వ్యాసం: Career choices in Allods (B) - 31/07/2010 05:11

Dual wielding arms: each hand and one weapon (allods online gold) attack speed quickly, the outbreak is not strong in pvp and very able to cope with the professional. More coherent attack, the energy is good enough for hands arms: hands holding a weapon in Allods, very slow attack speed, highly explosive, generally a very powerful in pvp, but the energy may not be used, be careful to meet the Paladins: Main Tank : As a paladin of anti-boss. And We would provide you the cheapest Allods Powerleveling with the fastest delivery.


A very welcomed by the team, but also anti-can treatment is difficult to be killed in pvp, 40 additional points before the use of output-based, post-40 replaced the main tank, a copy of equipment but is Oh good output type: 1. dual wielding weapons: focus on the use of sacred physical attack rather than a general attack, attack speed, the outbreak is not strong. There is a strong group of offensive skills. More coherent attack, the energy is good enough for two.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif వ్యాసం: Several Questions about Allods - 02/06/2010 04:51

First, how to start the task of each level(Allods Powerleveling)?
A: In addition to the first two connections with the outside, starting from the third, and every task is starting from Plagat castle, then back to the castle to complete the task to, and accepted the task to the next level. Task is to get in the castle tavern, store, or practice room, arms and human dialogue, dialogue with different people get different tasks. Get out of the room after the task, point castle that bars the door to start the implementation of tasks it! If the bars can not open the door indicating that no access to the task.

Second, there is no quick way to upgrade?
A: Yes. Practice room in the castle, warriors can learn to improve their attacking force, the magician can improve the spell. Of course, this is the take allods gold.

Third, how to get gold?
A: There are three ways: First, to complete a task each will have some reward (now a commodity economy after all, how can there be light work does not make money), the branch task generally has high returns; 2 per kill an enemy, his body's money and will be packed in a bag, the bag will get, which is the main method of obtaining gold. There are many tasks in the game does not require you to kill all the enemies, when the task is completed, the game will be out of a menu option allows players to win or to continue.

If you choose to continue, the player can continue playing in this go off, killing more enemies to get more gold and items. If that can not win, you can always click on the game settings menu to select the winner; third method is to the weapons shop to sell things. This has two advantages, the first can sell anything from gold to upgrade, and the second is not carrying heavy luggage everywhere, to reduce their walking speed.

Fourth, weapons shop is for?
A: In addition to the above mentioned things can be sold in the weapons shop, the shop can buy weapons in the weapons, shields and armor (samurai used), and magic wand, Tips robes and magic (magicians use), a good set of equipment allows you to easily win the battle in Allods!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif వ్యాసం: Talent in Allods - 22/04/2010 03:19

First, in Allods, the increased number of soldiers inside the property gifted talent of view, is indeed a property of relatively poor soldier's role. Or that the soldiers need to be more comprehensive than other professional attributes. Please refer to the table other professional talent, we can see No other occupation soldiers plus property has so much talent and so concentrated. But if you really fill all of those attributes, you will give up a lot of sharp skills. You must consider carefully the role you (pve or pvp sword shield hands \ dual wielding).By the way,if you need allods online gold you can visit our site and if you want to level up your character we provide the most secure Allods Powerleveling service .

Second, to explain a percentage of the problem. Increase % to ward off \ the block \ dodge the meaning is this: such as you to get away is 10%, then two points dodge specialization added after the dodge is 15% of you, and so on. So if your property too low, the corresponding, do not attempt to rely on talent to increase the corresponding ratio, as will be worth the candle.

Third, soldiers attack damage increased 10% (two points) separated by five lattice skills actually it must be two pve skills . Reduction talent of CD skills, at least if you do not intend to strengthen the skills, or do not increase, unless it is pure crossing point. ArmorBuster the talent and sunder this property complement each other, chances are great that is relatively deep.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif వ్యాసం: Tips about PvP in Low Levels in Allods - 09/04/2010 05:09

PvP becomes almost forced around level(allods gold) 21-23 and Mages suck in low level PvP. You have to be in PvP area to level up. You can still put your flag down so people cannot attack you but sometimes they will have a Warbanner and can attack you nonetheless.

There have some quests will require you to kill enemy NPC's which turns your flag on so enemy players can attack you such as the level 40 guys. Maybe the only enemy of your level you may be able to beat is a scout.

But it will be a whole different story in Allods when you at level 40. Because you will get a bit decent gear and you can [you can have a Potty Mouth] face. Literally. PvP in this game is pretty nice. So never be afraid of asking for help.

And you can build a ship, which takes about 90 days to complete when you reach level(Allods powerleveling) 40. You and your guild members can roam the vast astral, which is basically space when your ship has been built.

You can raid the opposing factions ships and have massive battles. It takes a large amount of co-op and it's reasonable to say that you'll need vent to be successful in the astral with your guild.